documentation & assistance
no manuals?
There are no user manuals in file form. However, on the respective module pages, there are FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS provided.
In addition, QUICK START GUIDES are linked under the descriptions for more complex modules.
If you have any questions about the functionality of a module, please post them in the forum.
no build guides?
The PCBs are deliberately crafted for easy assembly. Many builders have discovered them to be SELF-EXPLANATORY and USER-FRIENDLY for soldering. Any specific instructions are clearly stated in the Bills of Materials (BOM).
If you need general and detailed help on soldering the modules, please refer to the SOLDERING GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS available on the support page linked below.
To ensure that the requested information reaches all members of the builder's community, KINDLY REFRAIN FROM SENDING EMAILS OR DIRECT MESSAGES.
Instead, please SHARE YOUR INQUIRIES IN THE FORUM on this website.
It is more likely that you will receive a quick response to a forum post than to an email or direct message sent via various other channels.
notes for DIY builders
It is recommended that ST modular PCBs are only soldered and assembled by experienced builders.
If you intend to build an ST MODULAR module, you should be able to solder components in the 0603 footprint.
If parts are missing from the DIY Full Kit you have purchased, please contact the seller directly. They are assembling the kits on their own and can offer replacement parts.
The successful assembly, the safe power supply and the necessary calibration of the module are exclusively your responsibility.
ST Modular operates solely as a licenser of modular designs and does not provide repair services!
You are solely responsible for ensuring that the finished module does not damage other devices to which you connect it.
ST Modular is not responsible if you injure yourself or others or damage your property or the property of others while building or using the circuit boards provided.
No PCBs, complete kits or assembled modules will be available through in the future.
If there are any further questions, don't hesitate to ask in the forum. It is more likely to receive a quick reply in the forum than a timely response to an email, Instagram direct message or Facebook message.
For most larger ST Modular projects there are Interactive BOMs available. These will show the location of a selected part in an interactive *.html file in your standard browser. Additionally there is a „Highlight First Pin“ functionality that will help you to find the correct IC orientation. The iBOMs are located in the download section.

Important note!
Please be aware that the iBOM may occasionally display incorrect values. We recommend using the iBOM tool primarily to assist in identifying components on the board with greater ease. When it comes to obtaining and ordering parts, we advise relying exclusively on the Excel BOM.