Hi! I just finished the 1U toolbox, Please explain to me (but like to a 5 years old) how to use the jumper on the back, I'm not shure if i understand it right.
I'm having difficulty with a DIY Honeyeater build from a pre-populated PCB and Panel set. The module produces output from the noise circuit and sets noise output volume appropriately from the related potentiometer but does not produce waveforms at the output. The TRI / SAW potentiometer and PLS / SUB potentiometer do show activity on scope when turned. The pots appear to generate voltage offset at the output when observed on the scope. Both of those pots also seem to offset the noise output on scope when those potentiometers are turned as well. I've followed as many traces as I've been able to confirm visually and seem to have appropriate continuity between components where it would be expected. I've also reflowed the connections that I soldered to double check for good connection points. A schematic would be helpful to a deeper dive with testing / troubleshooting. Is there any immediate suggestion that might help me to focus in on a potential source of the symptoms described?
Hi Stefan,
I've built the Singer and I'm loving the crazyness it's able to produce. The only slight issue I'm having is that the dry/wet balance is not at the middle position but rather at 2:30. Thus the pure dry sound when at max CCW position is significantly louder than the wet sound at the max CW position. I though I could adjust the levels with the offset trimmers but they seem to change nothing.
Are those trimmers able to solve the issue? If not - what are they for? Any idea, why (even after reflowing the trimmers) they have no impact on anything. Maybe you could send me the schematic?
Best regards