Ask for Help!
Hey Stefan,
I'm in the final steps to finish soldering the Euphoria boards. Today was a special day because all neccessary boards for making a sound were finished - and making sounds it did :)
But it seems I have an issue on both the reverberation and the primary oscillator board. Turning Reverberation to wet seems to only distort the sound - nothing seems to get send to the reverb tank. On the other hand I can "play" the reverb springs by hand and hear them loud and clear.....I've ordered an Belton brick to check if the problem persists using that.
And after fixing a faulty power diode on the primary osc board I've got sound from the tri/saw but nothing on pulse and sine.
Long story short: to simplify the troubleshooting I'd like to ask you for the schematic so I don't have to trace everything based on the IBOMs.
Thanks in advance