Hi! First time building and ST module. I was wondering if I should religiously stare at the BOM when ordering parts?
For example, 100p capacitor has 3 different part numbers (they are on different boards) but are they really that specialized or can I just put the same ones in?
What I can see, the third one has 10% tolerance but maybe better temperature rating?
Hi, it's me again :D Finally putting the parts on order.
In the BOM for the control board it states S_LOW_HIGH switch would be a DPDT_SUBMINI_ON_OFF but there is no such switch on offer. Is this suppossed to be something else? I see there are six legs so I assume it's a double pole.
Hey Atte, During the more than two years I spent developing Euphoria, I created the BOMs for each PCB as it was finalized. There were cases where certain parts were not available at the time, so I opted for alternative components. Consequently, different part numbers may appear in the BOM due to these substitutions. Don't be too fussy about the parts as long as there is no other indication of any particular performance or tolerance specification.
As for the parts shown above, you can choose any of the linked parts for all 0603 100pF capacitors. Cheers, Stefan