See subject - looking forward to more of them in the future; I think they bridge the gap between "no further documentation provided" (the user perspective) and "documentation overload" (the developer perspective) very nicely! Good also to have important parameters (e.g. input/output voltages, timing ranges, etc) documented in an easy-to-find straightforward manner (cf. e.g. the prior confusion wrt Tryfelo's narrower output range in a prior forum post of mine).
...1xHoneyeater, 1xEFI, 1xTryfelo, 2xYace, 2xCion, 2xHapha, and counting... 😅 (next up? considering a Cause & Effect, and maybe a Euro Kastle V3 (nb. this could use some more musical, less "drony noise" examples though, if it is capable thereof (?) and you're up for it Stefan), and probably another Hapha... 😉)
FYI Stefan I just noticed that some of the QSG's have wrong/inherited document titles, e.g. the Cion one says "TROMMELMASCHINE_QUICK_START" and the Cause&Effect one says "KLANGMASCHINE_QUICK_START"; I haven't checked them all but something to keep in mind for later updates perhaps (see document properties iirc).