Hi Stefan,
I was just about to solder a Tryfelo kit when I noticed - unless I've accidentally mixed up some bags along the way, but I don't think so - that while the online BoM (row 35) states that it should include 6x On/Off/On switches, my Pusherman-sourced full kit included 3x On/On and 3x On/Off/On switches?
So, just to make sure before I get to soldering, has this changed - e.g. On/On's are now used for the Wave switches while On/Off/On switches are still used for the Divider switches? - and the BoM should be updated accordingly to reflect this, or is it still recommended to have them all being On/Off/On? (nb. I'm assuming losing the Off position for the Wave switches would just mean having to unplug the cable, switch off or attenuate elsewhere instead, but maybe I'm missing something?)
Thanks in advance,
Hey again,
If you like you can contact pusherman directly for a replacement of the switches (because they are actually making the kits).