3xEQ presents a row of three "One Knob" Tilt EQs, accompanied by an extra Mix Output. This module offers a streamlined solution for shaping waveforms, enriching basslines, refining hats and noises, and harmonizing elements within your mix.

key features
3x Tilt EQ
Change Low and High Frequencies with just one Knob
Mix Output
Input Normalization for parallel EQíng
Wrong Polarity Protection
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 26 mA @ +12V / 24 mA @ -12V
description / manual
Each EQ will boost high frequencies and cut low frequencies when turning the pots clockwise and vice-versa when turning them counter-clockwise.
Each input can be processed individually, but you may also take the sum of 2 or all three eq´d inputs from the Mix Output. The first Input is normalised to the other two inputs. Thus its possible to use all three EQs on one signal in parallel.