BUFF is a straightforward yet potent distortion module that can significantly enhance your sounds. It introduces a rich fuzz texture to the input signal, all the while preserving a clear bass and delightful high-frequency response.

key features
Analog Distortion/Sustainer
Easy to Build and Cost Effective
Tone Control
Sustain Control
Level Control
Wrong polarity protection
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 25 mA @ +12V / 61 mA @ -12V
description / manual
BUFF can turn any weak-sounding tone into an earth-shaking experience and is especially suitable for creating haedbanging techno percussions.
Equipped with a TONE control for accentuating low or high frequencies, and a SUSTAIN control that facilitates the creation of a protracted and velvety sustain.
LEVEL dictates the degree of distortion infused into the signal. Kindly be aware that rapidly adjusting the TONE knob may introduce a DC offset, leading to a momentary fading of the sound. Unfortunately, addressing this issue would compromise the delightful quality of the sound in its current state. Kindly decide in advance, whether you are soldering or purchasing the module, if this is a matter of concern for you.