HONEYEATER is a classic analog VCO with two sub-oscillators and mixable waveforms. It uses the famous CEM3340 „Curtis Oscillator“ precision VCO chip, that is also being used in fabled synths like the Sequential Pro-1 and OB-xa. This module is your best companion for rich sounding analog synth sounds in a low HP format and is one of our most built modules.

key features
2 Voice FM Synthesizer plus Noise Generator
CV over all FM Parameters
Tone Control
Internal VCA
Internal Mixer
Individual Outputs
Wrong Polarity Protection
specs & downloads
width: 16 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 98 mA @ +12V / 56 mA @ -12V
description / manual
The Coarse and Fine Tune potentiometer are located on the lower part of the module in form of small trimmer potentiometers. Having set these in tune, you won´t have to tweak those too often. On the top part you will find easy to reach waveform mixing potentiometers. Taking the output from the Out jack you can create your waveform from the sources Triangle and Sawtooth (alternatively via switch), Pulse and Noise. Additionally there are two Sub-octaves available that can be added to the output signal by using the Sub potentiometer. Sub-octaves may be activated using the dedicated switches.
Of course HONEYEATER also includes classic VCO features like Pulse Width Modulation (manually and via CV), Frequency Modulation (exponential or linear alternatively via switch) and Hard or Soft Sync (changeable via jumper on the back).