There are many creative ways to use matrix mixers for CV and audio processing. MATRICO is a full-featured matrix mixer in a small footprint that provides instant access to this modular creativity.

key features
3x3 Matrix Mixer
Bipolar or Unipolar
Input LED
Low HP Size
Performance-Orientated Mixing
Wrong Polarity Protection
specs & downloads
width: 10 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 35 mA @ +12V / 25 mA @ -12V
description / manual
MATRICO has three inputs I - III which can be routed to any of the three outputs A-C. For each connection between I-III and A-C there is a separate potentiometer which acts as an attenuator/attenuverter. For each output A-C you can decide whether the signals should be processed unipolar or bipolar.
The LEDs indicate whether a positive or negative signal is present at the respective input. They only show input signals, as it is so much easier to identify a signal to be mixed with other signals.
There is also a sum output with LEDs that provides a mix of all outputs.