Ever wish life had a "Buffered Multiple" module? One for when you need to duplicate yourself at the family reunion, and another for when you're avoiding the office coffee duty! Just plug into these magic modules, and voilà – instant you, in multiple places. Unfortunately, our modules are for signals, not people, but hey, we can all dream of a buffered clone army, right?

key features
Buffered Multiple
1x4 and 1x2 or
1x6 via Normalization
1x Inverted Buffered Output
Easy to Build
Wrong polarity protection
specs & downloads
width: 3 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 12 mA @ +12V / 8 mA @ -12V
description / manual
MULT is a dual 1x4 and 1x2 or a single 1x6 buffered multiple.
The first input is distributed to 4 buffered outputs. The last output is inverted.The second input is distributed to 2 buffered outputs.The first input is normalized to the second. This way you can also use MULT as a 1x6 buffered multiple.
Each input has an LED indication.