PedalPal is your way to use guitar effect pedals with the Eurorack Modular System.

key features
Mono Send with Attenuation
Stereo Return with Gain for each Channel
Output Gain of max. +20 dB
Expression Pedal Control (CV or Manually)
Voltage limited to 3V or 5V adjustbale via Jumper
Wrong polarity protection
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 25 mA @ +12V / 21 mA @ -12V
description / manual
PEDAL PAL features a mono send with pedal attenuation and a stereo return with individual channel gain adjustment from the pedal. You can fine-tune attenuation and gain through trimmers located on the module's back. Furthermore, it doubles as a CV expression pedal using a TRS cable. You have the option to manually manipulate your effect pedal's parameters by plugging into its Expression In jack, akin to using an expression foot pedal. Alternatively, you can employ any CV source (like an LFO or Envelope) to automate effect adjustments. When external CV is applied, the potentiometer functions as an attenuator. The CV delivered to the pedal's expression in jack can be constrained to either 3V or 5V, adjustable via a jumper on the rear.
It's important to note that CV control over effect parameters will only function if your pedal includes an expression pedal TRS input. To establish connectivity between the module and your stereo effect pedal, three 6.3/3.5 mm adapter cables and a 6.3 mm TRS cable will be required.