Reverb is a very simple 4HP Reverb module based on the Accutronics Digi-Log-Reverb BTDR-2H.

key features
2 to 2.85 Seconds Reverb Time depending on the BTDR Type
Tone Control
“OSC” Switch for Feedback Loops
“Depth” Reverb Size Control
Wrong Polarity Protection
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 55 mm
power: 65 mA @ +12V / 0 mA @ -12V
description / manual
The unit features typical Reverb Amount and Feedback controls, along with an extra Tone knob to adjust the input audio's frequency for the reverb.
Furthermore, an OSC toggle activates a reverb signal feedback loop, while the Depth setting can be likened to a "cathedral" switch, expanding the reverb's expanse.
This straightforward design produces concise reverberations along with abundant noise and captivating feedback chaos.