Serial is a sequencer that generates random gates and voltages, allowing for seamless looping with a specified step length. It excels at quickly creating and cycling through random voltages while simultaneously producing up to 8 gates.

key features
8-Step Analog Sequencer
Outputs 8 Gates and 1 CV Signal
Sequence Randomly or Looped
4 Different Lengths
Length CV
External Clock
Manually Add or Delete Notes/Gates
CV Out Level Control
Wrong Polarity Protection
specs & downloads
width: 8 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 55 mA @ +12V / 21 mA @ -12V
description / manual
The CLOCK input takes any voltage (CV & audio) and generates clock pulses according to a voltage threshold that can be adjusted by a trimmer on the back of the board. Turn it to the left to lower the threshold and increase the probability that low voltages will generate a clock signal.
This clock is used to drive an internal shift register that reads a voltage level generated by an internal noise generator and synchronises it to the clock. The generated noise can also be taken from the NOISE output. If you plug something into the CV IN socket, this voltage is mixed with the noise source and locked to the sequence with every clock pulse. This way you can influence random notes with an external CV.
When voltages are locked to a clock, a gate corresponding to that clock signal is generated and passed in series to the GATE OUTPUTS. In addition, a main trigger pulse is available at the PULSE socket. At the same time, the locked voltage is passed on to the CV OUT socket (e.g. to be routed to a 1V/OCT input of an oscillator). Adjust the level of this voltage with the AMOUNT knob. Use the ADD or DEL button to manually set or remove locked voltages in the sequence. You will notice that you can only add a note if you press ADD at the same time as a clock pulse.
By pressing the LENGTH button, you can choose the step length of the sequence between 4, 6, 7 or 8 steps (the picture shows step 5, which was later changed to step 7). You can also change the length via CV. Please note that changing the step length can also lead to different output voltages at CV OUT, as it reads the voltages from different clock pulses.
Use the RNDM/LOOP button to loop a sequence or create a random new series of voltages and gates.