SLOPES is a quad slope generator with integrated gate divider. It is a good tool to create organic and moving changes that match the rhythmic pattern of your patches.

key features
Quad Slope Generator
4x AR Envelope
Attenuator per CV Output
8 CV Outputs in Total
Internal Gate Divider
Clock Input
Internal Trigger & Modulation
0V to +10V Range
specs & downloads
width: 12 HP
depth: 28 mm
power: 75 mA @ +12V / 49 mA @ -12V
description / manual
It can simultaneously generate 8 control voltages, which are mainly changed with the potentiometers RISE and FALL. The further you turn RISE clockwise, the longer it takes for the slope to reach its maximum voltage. The further you move the FALL slider potentiometer up, the longer it takes for the slope to subsequently reach 0V. Each slope can be triggered with a trigger or gate signal and outputs a voltage from 0 to +10V (inverted outs respectively -10V). If you need lower voltages, an attenuator is available for each slope.
Outputs 1 / 2 and 3 / 4 provide a mix of slopes 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, but the mix can be changed by inserting an inverted signal of one slope with the "1 INV" or "3 INV" switch and the SHAPE 1 / 2 and SHAPE 3 / 4 potentiometers, which adds an additional triangle LFO to the two signals. The rate of the LFO can be changed with the RATE knob. In addition, there are inverted outputs for slopes 1 and 3.
The RATE knob also changes the rate of an internal gate, which is divided by 2, 4, 8 and 16 and fed to the four slope gate inputs (from left to right). This connection is broken when you patch an external gate or trigger signal into the dedicated GATE input. One LED per slope indicates if a GATE signal is present.
To synchronize the slopes to external modules, you can insert a clock or trigger signal into the CLK input. This overrides the internal gate generator and feeds the gate divider to trigger the four edges according to its division. The inserted clock or trigger signal is buffered and passed to the THRU output. The RST/DIR input jack can be used to reset the gate divider or change its direction. The functionality of this socket can be selected by soldering a solder bridge on the bottom side of the board.
The slopes can be very short and snappy, but may also last up to 10 seconds.