STM proves to be an incredibly convenient and user-friendly 3-channel stereo mixer featuring three intuitive volume potentiometers. Its straightforward design allows for easy manipulation, while onboard trimmers enable seamless gain adjustments per channel. This versatile mixer caters to both line and Eurorack levels, all encapsulated within a compact form factor for added space efficiency.

key features
Analog Mixer
3 Stereo Channels
+20 dB Gain per Channel
LED Indication
Skiff friendly
Wrong polarity protection
specs & downloads
width: 4 HP
depth: 30 mm
power: 24 mA @ +12V / 15 mA @ -12V
description / manual
STM is a simple but very useful 3-channel stereo mixer with three volume potentiometers. The gain per channel can be adjusted with trimmers on the board, making this mixer suitable for line and Eurorack levels. Each of the left inputs is normalized to the corresponding right channel, provided nothing is patched there.