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Forum Posts

Karl @xoblite
Sep 25, 2024
In Modules
Stupid question, see subject - is it possible somehow to build the Natural State with PTL30 series LED slider potentiometers instead of the PTA3043 series non-LED slider potentiometers specified in the BoM, for that extra level of visual feedback? Thanks in advance :) BR//Karl @xoblite
Karl @xoblite
Aug 20, 2024
In Modules
Hi, "Automatic Channel Search with Signal Quality Evaluation, Automatic Noise Suppression" it also possible to adjust the tuning manually, in order to find also any in-between-stations and slightly-out-of-tuning magic? If it is, at what frequency resolution per button click? If not, is it possible to hack into that, or doesn't the FM chip support it at all? Thanks, BR//Karl PS. As a sidenote, I also recall that at least way back in the days, the AM, long wave and other bands was full of far-away-from-home broadcasts, which could perhaps be even more interesting for sound harvesting than the local FM band, if they are still there... Radio^2? :)
Karl @xoblite
Apr 15, 2024
In Modules
Karl @xoblite
Apr 02, 2024
In Modules
See subject - looking forward to more of them in the future; I think they bridge the gap between "no further documentation provided" (the user perspective) and "documentation overload" (the developer perspective) very nicely! Good also to have important parameters (e.g. input/output voltages, timing ranges, etc) documented in an easy-to-find straightforward manner (cf. e.g. the prior confusion wrt Tryfelo's narrower output range in a prior forum post of mine). Thanks! BR//Karl ...1xHoneyeater, 1xEFI, 1xTryfelo, 2xYace, 2xCion, 2xHapha, and counting... 😅 (next up? considering a Cause & Effect, and maybe a Euro Kastle V3 (nb. this could use some more musical, less "drony noise" examples though, if it is capable thereof (?) and you're up for it Stefan), and probably another Hapha... 😉)
Karl @xoblite
Jan 10, 2024
In Modules
Hi Stefan, I was just about to solder a Tryfelo kit when I noticed - unless I've accidentally mixed up some bags along the way, but I don't think so - that while the online BoM (row 35) states that it should include 6x On/Off/On switches, my Pusherman-sourced full kit included 3x On/On and 3x On/Off/On switches? So, just to make sure before I get to soldering, has this changed - e.g. On/On's are now used for the Wave switches while On/Off/On switches are still used for the Divider switches? - and the BoM should be updated accordingly to reflect this, or is it still recommended to have them all being On/Off/On? (nb. I'm assuming losing the Off position for the Wave switches would just mean having to unplug the cable, switch off or attenuate elsewhere instead, but maybe I'm missing something?) Thanks in advance, BR//Karl
Karl @xoblite
Nov 27, 2023
In Modules
Hi, with the UIT being largely unobtainable (?) in kit form these days, and despite the footnote on the Stereo Sum page - ( saying "TO ENSURE THE MIXER'S FUNCTIONALITY, IT'S CRUCIAL TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE STEREO OR MONO CHANNEL, IN ADDITION TO YOUR MAIN MODULE", I would like to ask whether Sum Main could work as an alternative to UIT for the main purpose of the latter, i.e. an output module with headphone jack etc? I'm assuming the three stereo ins are unity gain added to the main mix even if there's no channel module connected; correct? Or or there any other showstoppers to be aware of? Thanks in advance, BR//Karl ...happy Honeyeater, EFI, Hapha, Cion, Yaze owner! :D

Karl @xoblite

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