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  • ST Case | ST Modular

    ST CASE is a Eurorack enclosure that you can 3D-print yourself. It is 42HP wide and can be used with M3 threaded strips that are inserted from the side. There is a cable holder on the back and the large holes on the bottom allow easy access to cables and boards for recalibration. st case / 3d-printable eurorack case / 42 HP ⇣ ST CASE is a Eurorack enclosure that you can 3D-print yourself. It is 42HP wide and can be used with M3 threaded strips that are inserted from the side. There is a cable holder on the back and the large holes on the bottom allow easy access to cables and boards for recalibration. You will need an M3 10mm screw to fixate the cable holder and four rubber feet for a non-slip stand. If you don't dare to mount your new DIY module directly into your Eurorack case, the ST Case is the ideal companion for testing newly built modules. Two Variants TYPE-A comes with a small power supply unit that users can solder themselves, and TYPE-B allows for the mounting of power supply modules from other manufacturers on the back. Inside the TYPE- A case there is space for a small USB-C power supply that delivers 150mA@-12V, 250mA@+12V and +5V (mA depends on the USB voltage used). It offers four ribbon power cable connectors. The PSU board can be purchased and soldered separately. TYPE-B has the same specifications as Type-A, but offers the option of mounting a third-party 4HP power supply module on the back of the case instead of a PSU PCB inside. This allows you to use your preferred 4HP power supply module with more power than the Type-A case PSU offers. key features 3D-Printable Low-Cost Slide-in Rail Brackets Lightweight specs & downloads Width: 42 HP Depth: 55 mm Power: PCB or 4HP Module TYPE-A (USB DIY PSU) Type-A DIY PSU TYPE-B (4HP PWR Module) Print your own! To have your ST CASE printed, you can download the STL-file below and contact your preferred 3D printing service. It is best to use PLA or PETG filaments. The average cost of printing the enclosure at an online print shop is around 30€ to 50€ (PLA; black; no finish). Local 3D printing services are often cheaper than those you find online. If you print the enclosure yourself on your own printer, it costs about 6€. The cases shown on this page were printed with PLA on a Bambu Lab X1C. DOWNLOAD STL (ZIP) Up

  • ST Modular / Eurorack DIY / Modular Passion / Music

    ST Modular is recognized for its DIY Euroack Modules that enable users to construct their modular synthesizers utilizing provided PCBs and self-obtained components. The range of modules offered encompasses oscillators, filters, sequencers, LFOs, envelope generators, and more, all designed by ST Modular to be exceptionally versatile. These modules facilitate a broad spectrum of sound manipulations and modulation avenues. appetizer social media youtube modular grid instagram krakong euphoria Up

  • Support | ST Modular

    SUPPORTING FILES This page provides you with all the essential documents for your DIY project. Feel free to download the necessary files at your convenience. If you have trouble finding the right document or have any other questions, feel free to chat with us by clicking the chat button at the bottom right of the website.

  • Forum | ST Modular

    Enhance your ST Modular journey through dynamic discussions, valuable feedback, and an active and lively community. FORUM Before posting your question in the forum, feel free to chat with us by clicking the yellow chat button at the bottom right of the website. To test this feature, visit your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Create New Post General Discussion Open for all topics about any subject related to this forum, the website, or ST Modular in general. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 4 Follow Modules Comprehensive discussions on module announcements, functionality, aesthetics, characteristics, and tactile experience. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 30 Follow Ask for Help! Non-operational modules, problem-solving, and collaborative assistance from fellow builders! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 67 Follow Music Showcase your patches and musical creations using STM modules. Join to share and discuss your sounds! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 2 Follow New Posts DesolationBlvd 6h Suggestion: Dual EFI? Modules I am planning a Eurorack drum set, with four drum voices, each consisting of a noise source, an MS-20 style high-pass (used for self-oscillating while still passing the noise above the resonant frequency) and low-pass (either non-resonant and enveloped for kicks and toms, or static and resonant for snares), and VCA and decay envelope. I was almost set on the Soundforce Dual Filter, until I discovered the EFI. It has everything I need and nothing I don't. The problem is that I need two EFIs per voice, which means more power cables stuffing up the case. Would it be possible to create a dual version of the EFI? Going with the pair of EFIs would still save me 4hp per voice over Soundforce's offering. The Karl module will not work for my use case, I need the high-pass and low-pass cutoffs to be fully independent. Like 0 comments 0 daazhen Feb 26 Stereo eq potentiometer Ask for Help! Hi Stefan, I am gathering the parts of stereo eq and I can t find dual gang B1M potentiometer in any net parts venders… can I take alternative solutions? (Single gang can be found) please help me Tanks Jun Like 2 comments 2 Никита Скакун 7d Natural state cutoff Ask for Help! Hello, Stefan! Is it possible to modify Natural state filter cutoff, to make the sound less bright? Thanks! Like 3 comments 3 Forum - Frameless Up

  • Mix & Pan

    Mixer & VCA mix & pan / 4-channel mixer with vca, cv pan, and cv scan. / 18 HP ⇣ This module is great for creating ever-changing and organic soundscapes throughout the complete stereo field, making your composition a very varied and a persistently interesting listening experience. 1/4 key features 4-Channel Mixer 4x VCA 4x CV PAN CV SCAN CV SPAN Volume Slide Pots Wrong Polarity Protection specs & downloads width: 18 HP depth: 55 mm power: 92 mA @ +12V / 78 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual MIX & PAN completes the ST Modular SUM mixer series with a fully CV-controlled 4-channel mixer. It features CV PAN, VCA per channel and a CV CHANNEL SCANNER. Each channel has a VOLUME SLIDER and a VOL CV input to control the internal VCA. The panning per channelcan be adjusted with the PAN controls or the PAN CV inputs. LEDs indicate the channel volume and the stateof the panning. All channels are sum med and can be tapped at the main output jack. The SCAN and SPAN functions are really the most outstanding features of the module. They provide a unique way to mix 1 to 4 channels using one or two CV signals applied to the SCAN and/or SPAN CV inputs. The scan functionality allows you to output a selection of channels by turning the SCAN knob or applying CV to the SCAN input. The range of channels that are activated is set manually or by CV using the SPAN knob. This not only narrows down the active channels from all to just one, but also reduces the effect the SCAN CV hason the VCAs, as if you were shortening their decay time. When both SCAN and PAN are in the centre position and you turn SCAN, you activate one of the four channels at a time. If you increase SPAN, more of the adjacent channels become audible until all channels have reached maximum volume (from mid to cw position). If you decrease SPAN again, only one scanned channel will be audible (mid position) and it will then start to fade out shorter (turning from mid to ccw position). If a CV signal is present at the SCAN CV input and you turn SCAN to the left, the activated channels are narrowed to the left. Conversely, if you turn the knob to the right, only channels 3 and 4 are activated, and in the rightmost position, only channel 4. All CV inputs also accept audio signals, and it is quite interesting to control them with CVs that transition seamlessly from low frequencies to audio rates. SUM MIX&PAN QUICK START GUIDE: SUM_MIX_AND_PAN_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 833KB prev Up next

  • Alstaden

    Oscillator alstaden / analog waveshaping oscillator / 16 HP ⇣ ALSTADEN is your source for harsh and harmonically rich sounds. It is a newly developed waveshaping tone generator and resembles the secondary oscillator of the semi-modular synthesizer „EUPHORIA“. 1/3 key features Analog Oscillator with 5 Waveforms CV Waveshaper and VCA EQ and External Inputs Level-Potentiometers Linear and Exponential FM specs & downloads width: 16 HP depth: 30 mm power: 75 mA @ +12V / 65 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual The waves are formed by a combination of diode clipping and folding of the waveform by adding mirror images of the upper and lower parts of the waveform. This creates more high harmonics and interesting timbral variations. It also features an equalizer, which is quite unusual for oscillators, but offers more sonic possibilities. The oscillator module offers five different waveforms WAVE A, WAVE B, PULSE, SUB and SINE. The level of the individual waveforms can be adjusted with sliding potentiometers. The range of the levels depends mainly on the gain you set during calibration. Distortion can easily occur in the upper positions of the sliders if you have set the gain high. The pulse width of the PULSE waveform can be changed manually with the PULSE PWM knob. There is also a CV input CV PWM with its own attenuator to control the pulse width via CV. At the heart of this oscillator are the two waveshapers WAVE A and WAVE B. Harmonics are added by wavefolding and can be changed by turning the SHAPE A and SHAPE B knobs. Additionally there is a CV input CV SHAPE A1 and CV SHAPE B1 with an attenuator each for voltage controlled wave folding. WAVE B has a second CV input without attenuator that allows even more control over the wavefolding state. The SUBOCTAVE has two stages of -1 and -2 octaves. Select your preferred division with the help of the SUB -1 and SUB -2 on/off switches. Unexpectedly, you can equalize the output of the oscillator with the TONE control. It accentuates either low or high frequencies of all waveforms before they are fed to a internal VCA. The INTERNAL VCA can be controlled via the ENV IN socket. Patch any CV here to change the level of the main output. Additionally, there is also a FM input. You can apply exponential or linear FM by feeding any (preferably high frequency) voltage into the FM input. Select an FM type with the EXP/LIN switch. If you set the switch to the middle position, no FM will be applied. V/OCT is the input for the application of a pitch CV. The pitch can be controlled manually with the PITCH and FINE potentiometers. EXT IN A and EXT IN B are audio inputs that allow you to use the oscillator as a waveshaper for external signals. When a jack is connected to these inputs, the corresponding internal waveform is switched off. The external signals will also be routed through the level potentiometers, EQ and VCA. Further details can also be found in the ALSTADEN QUICK START GUIDE: ALSTADEN_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 1.70MB prev Up next

  • Mult

    Utilities & PSU mult / dual buffered multiple / 3 HP ⇣ Ever wish life had a "Buffered Multiple" module? One for when you need to duplicate yourself at the family reunion, and another for when you're avoiding the office coffee duty! Just plug into these magic modules, and voilà – instant you, in multiple places. Unfortunately, our modules are for signals, not people, but hey, we can all dream of a buffered clone army, right? 1/3 key features Buffered Mult iple 1x4 and 1x2 or 1x6 via Normalization 1x Inverted Buffered Output Easy to Build Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 3 HP depth: 28 mm power: 12 mA @ +12V / 8 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual MULT is a dual 1x4 and 1x2 or a single 1x6 buffered mult iple. The first input is distributed to 4 buffered outputs. The last output is inverted.The second input is distributed to 2 buffered outputs.The first input is normalized to the second. This way you can also use MULT as a 1x6 buffered mult iple. Each input has an LED indication. prev Up next

  • EuroKastle

    Oscillator eurokastle / eurorack version of the bastl kastle / 10 HP ⇣ This is a Eurorack adaptation of the renowned Bastl Instruments Kastle – a digital synthesis playground. Embodying the full spectrum of Kastle 1.5 functionality, this version features subtle modifications to seamlessly integrate into the Eurorack format. KASTLE_BACK.jpg 1/3 key features Please check out the Bastl Desktop Synths for further details and consider buying one - it´s worth it! Use with Bastl Kastle or Drum Kastle Firmware Illuminated EuroKastle Logo Wrong Polarity Protection specs & downloads width: 10 HP depth: 28 mm power: 47 mA @ +12V documentation videos description / manual Switching between OSC mode and Rungler mode has been streamlined with a convenient switch, eliminating the need for intricate cable patching. Furthermore, each functionality is consolidated to a single input/output, simplifying your setup. Notably, our EuroKastle boasts a unique Waveshape CV attenuator absent in the original Kastle design. While we highly recommend Bastl's desktop version, the EuroKastle can stand independently. You can independently source all the required components, without necessarily needing the original. It's important to note that the PCB lacks an AVR ISP header. To program the Attiny85 ICs, a prior flashing process is essential before they find their place in the IC sockets (a breadboard can be utilized for this purpose). The programming process can be completed using any AVR ISP programmer. Powering the EuroKastle is a breeze with compatibility with standard Eurorack power supply units. Version V2 introduces AVR Headers to the PCB's bottom for direct ATTiny programming on the PCB itself. The diode pads have been thoughtfully enlarged for an enhanced soldering experience. Additionally, the CV Sources are normalized to the CV Input switches, facilitating instant modulation without the need for external patching. In Version V3, we've incorporated a jumper that allows you to transform the Mix OR OUT socket into a TRIGGER INPUT for the Drum Kastle firmware, enhancing your creative possibilities. For those seeking additional technical details and resources, we encourage you to explore the following links: Bastl Schematics Bastl Instruments Official Website prev Up next

  • Serial

    Sequencer serial / shift register sequencer / 8 HP ⇣ Serial is a sequencer that generates random gates and voltages, allowing for seamless looping with a specified step length. It excels at quickly creating and cycling through random voltages while simultaneously producing up to 8 gates. 1/3 key features 8-Step Analog Sequencer Outputs 8 Gates and 1 CV Signal Sequence Randomly or Looped 4 Different Lengths Length CV External Clock Manually Add or Delete Notes/Gates CV Out Level Control Wrong Polarity Protection specs & downloads width: 8 HP depth: 30 mm power: 55 mA @ +12V / 21 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual The CLOCK input takes any voltage (CV & audio) and generates clock pulses according to a voltage threshold that can be adjusted by a trimmer on the back of the board. Turn it to the left to lower the threshold and increase the probability that low voltages will generate a clock signal. This clock is used to drive an internal shift register that reads a voltage level generated by an internal noise generator and synchronises it to the clock. The generated noise can also be taken from the NOISE output. If you plug something into the CV IN socket, this voltage is mixed with the noise source and locked to the sequence with every clock pulse. This way you can influence random notes with an external CV. When voltages are locked to a clock, a gate corresponding to that clock signal is generated and passed in series to the GATE OUTPUTS. In addition, a main trigger pulse is available at the PULSE socket. At the same time, the locked voltage is passed on to the CV OUT socket (e.g. to be routed to a 1V/OCT input of an oscillator). Adjust the level of this voltage with the AMOUNT knob. Use the ADD or DEL button to manually set or remove locked voltages in the sequence. You will notice that you can only add a note if you press ADD at the same time as a clock pulse. By pressing the LENGTH button, you can choose the step length of the sequence between 4, 6, 7 or 8 steps (the picture shows step 5, which was later changed to step 7). You can also change the length via CV. Please note that changing the step length can also lead to different output voltages at CV OUT, as it reads the voltages from different clock pulses. Use the RNDM/LOOP button to loop a sequence or create a random new series of voltages and gates. SERIAL QUICK START GUIDE: SERIAL_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 532KB prev Up next

  • Hans

    Filter & EQ hans / compact stereo diode-ladder filter and lfo / 6 HP ⇣ HANS is a compact 4-pole low-pass stereo diode-ladder filter with an internal LFO. Inspired by the famous diode ladder filters found in EMS and Roland TB-303 devices, this filter delivers a distinct and unique sonic character. The module also features an internal LFO for dynamic movement of the cutoff frequency. 1/2 key features Diode-Ladder Filter 4-Pole Low-Pass Design Stereo Inputs and Outputs Cutoff CV Control with Attenuator Internal Triangle LFO with Level Control LFO Output Only 6 HP wide Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 6 HP depth: 30 mm power: 35 mA @ +12V / 29 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual Designed for stereo signals, HANS comes equipped with stereo inputs (IN L and R) and stereo outputs (OUT L and R). However, if you want to use a mono signal, connect it to the IN L socket, which is internally normalised to the IN R input. Manual control of the filter cutoff frequency is achieved with the FREQ potentiometer. Additionally, the cutoff can be modulated using the internal LFO and/or external control voltage (CV). Adjust the LEVEL knob to introduce a triangle LFO to the cutoff frequency, cycling from +0V to a maximum of +10V. The RATE knob, indicated by an LED indicator, allows you to set the LFO's speed. It is designed for long cycles and enables very slow movements lasting more than 10 minutes, but does not achieve audio rates. To disengage LFO control, simply reduce the LEVEL knob. Simultaneously, external CV can be patched to the CV input, with the CV attenuator enabling external control of the filter's cutoff frequency. An LED indicates the current voltage level of the external CV. Improve the characteristics of the filter by using the RES potentiometer to apply positive feedback that emphasises higher frequencies. The signal may be distorted at very high resonance settings. Self-resonance is possible, but only at very high frequencies. For further external processing, the internal LFO's triangle waveform is accessible at the LFO output. This feature adds flexibility to your modular setup, enabling creative possibilities beyond the module's primary functions. HANS QUICK START GUIDE: HANS_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 485KB prev Up next

  • Yaksha´s Fate

    Oscillator yaksha´s fate / mutable instruments "rings" adaption / 8 HP ⇣ In this rendition, the emphasis was placed on showcasing all the adjustable parameters prominently while concealing those that could impact tuning and harmonics. This design approach allows you to immerse yourself in uninhibited live performance, without the concern of inadvertently altering frequency or structure, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your audience. 1/3 key features Please check out the original module by Émilie Gillet which is an all time Eurorack classic already Illuminated Yaksha´s Fate Logo Wrong Polarity Protection specs & downloads width: 8 HP depth: 38 mm power: 125 mA @ +12V / 12 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual It has all the functionality of the original module except for the two Outputs Odd/Even, Frequency CV (also Fine Tune) and Structure CV (Harmony). You may switch Filter CV or Decay CV to control Harmony via jumper though. The two outputs Odd and Even are mixed together on the OUT jack, but you can fade from one to the other using the Partial Knob. This way you get an additional sound shaping option and some kind of trigger control when two or four notes polyphony is selected. In contrast to the original Yaksha´s Fate will rather act as a VCO producing a constant tone (through very fast trigs) if you plug a CV source into 1V/OCT without a trigger at the TRIG input. Released under cc-by-sa-3.0 license: Pichenettes Mutable Instruments prev Up next

  • CV Expert

    Utilities & PSU cv expert / dual polarizer, offset & gain with LFO / 4 HP ⇣ CV EXPERT is a very compact yet powerful CV tool that is equipped with all the important functions you need to customise your control voltages. With its internal LFO, it is immediately ready for use without further patching. 1/3 key features 2x Polarizer 2x Offset 2x Gain Triangle or Square Wave LFO Internal normalizations Low HP format Skiff friendly Wrong polarity protection specs & downloads width: 4 HP depth: 30 mm power: 50 mA @ +12V / 32 mA @ -12V documentation videos description / manual CV Expert (Cve) is a versatile dual-channel tool for customizing control voltages. Its internal LFO is normalised to both inputs and allows you to choose between a triangle or square wave via a jumper on the back. The LFO connection is automatically interrupted when an external CV is inserted. Adjust the LFO rate with the LFO RATE potentiometer. The signal received at the DC-coupled inputs IN ① and IN ② passes through three CV tools: Polarizer The PLRZR potentiometer enables voltage attenuation and inversion. At the midpoint, the signal is eliminated. Turning to the right allows the original voltage to pass through (as with an attenuator). Turning to the left inverts the signal, e.g. positive signals are converted into negative signals. Offset Adds or subtracts voltage from/to the passing signal. OFFSET control determines the offset range. In the center position, there is no voltage offset. Turning the control to the right shifts the voltage to the positive range, while turning it to the left shifts it to the negative range. Gain Amplifies the signal with a maximum gain of 2 at the GAIN control's maximum position, effectively doubling the applied voltage (e.g., +1V becomes +2V, +3V becomes +6V, or +4V becomes +8V). The voltage is capped at a maximum of +/-10V. CV EXPERT QUICK START GUIDE: CVE_QUICK_START .pdf Download PDF • 422KB prev Up next

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