ST CASE is a Eurorack enclosure that you can 3D-print yourself. It is 42HP wide and can be used with M3 threaded strips that are inserted from the side. There is a cable holder on the back and the large holes on the bottom allow easy access to cables and boards for recalibration. You will need an M3 10mm screw to fixate the cable holder and four rubber feet for a non-slip stand. If you don't dare to mount your new DIY module directly into your Eurorack case, the ST Case is the ideal companion for testing newly built modules.

Two Variants
TYPE-A comes with a small power supply unit that users can solder themselves, and TYPE-B allows for the mounting of power supply modules from other manufacturers on the back.
Inside the TYPE-A case there is space for a small USB-C power supply that delivers 150mA@-12V, 250mA@+12V and +5V (mA depends on the USB voltage used). It offers four ribbon power cable connectors. The PSU board can be purchased and soldered separately.
TYPE-B has the same specifications as Type-A, but offers the option of mounting a third-party 4HP power supply module on the back of the case instead of a PSU PCB inside. This allows you to use your preferred 4HP power supply module with more power than the Type-A case PSU offers.

key features
Slide-in Rail Brackets
specs & downloads
Width: 42 HP
Depth: 55 mm
Power: PCB or 4HP Module



TYPE-B (4HP PWR Module)

Print your own!
To have your ST CASE printed, you can download the STL-file below and contact your preferred 3D printing service. It is best to use PLA or PETG filaments. The average cost of printing the enclosure at an online print shop is around 30€ to 50€ (PLA; black; no finish). Local 3D printing services are often cheaper than those you find online. If you print the enclosure yourself on your own printer, it costs about 6€. The cases shown on this page were printed with PLA on a Bambu Lab X1C.